
Unmanned Autonomous Verification and Validation

Unmanned Autonomous Verification and Validation

In this paper, we outline a new approach to the verification and validation (V&V) of safety-critical avionics based on the use of executable lightweight domain specific languages (LwDSLs) — domain-specific languages hosted directly in an existing high-level programming language.

We provide examples of LwDSLs used in industry today, and then we describe the advantages of LwDSLs in V&V.

Finally, we argue the approach promises substantial automation and cost-reduction in V&V.

Topics covered in this paper:

  • Lightweight DSLS in practice
  • Unmanned autonomous V&V
  • V&V tools
  • Synthesis tools
  • And more…

Contributing Authors

John Van Enk
DornerWorks, Ltd.
Lee Pike
Galois, Inc.
Don Stewart
Galois, Inc.